Ask anyone who enjoys the art of eating what the most delectable foods are, and there is a good chance that lobster will be on the short list. Oysters, Crabs, Shrimp, and a fine fish will also be there. Since this is a site that emphasizes the best in the food world, we will start with some recipes for these, and add on from there. Naturally, a recipe that is good for a salmon will probably also be good for any other firm and well flavored fish. A sauce for an oyster might also might go well with clams. Any good recipe for chunks of lobster will also be good with chunks of what is now known as monkfish, and probably shrimp, crab or scallops. In this world of good seafood, here are some of my favorite things.
The first principle of seafood, with few exceptions, is that it must be fresh, absolutely fresh, to be at its best. Seafood is at its best when cooked just after you come out of the water with a couple sea critters in your hands, and yelling "Boil up the pot!". If you buy seafood fresh, buy it from a reputable fish store that has a large turnover in stock. Keep it cold, preferably on ice, and serve it as soon as possible.
In general, supermarket seafood was delivered to the supermarket frozen, and has been defrosted. If you eat frozen seafood, buy it frozen and defrost it yourself. It is not seafood at its best, but it is better than having no seafood.
For now, have a look around the site, and dream of a Lobster Newburg in a perfect pattie shell with a bottle of fine dry white and a couple friends. Cheers.
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