Eating Well is the Best Revenge!

Caviar Beurre Blanc on Seared White Sturgeon
This is a very sexy recipe from Petrossian Inc., the famous restaurant and Caviar people. They were good enough to send it to me to be shared. If you cannot get sturgeon, it is also excellent with fresh grouper, yellowtail, marlin or any white, meaty fish. The quality and freshness of the fish are in general more important than the species.
To do your Beurre Blanc sauce, first add to a saucepan:
Simmer gently until wine is nearly evaporated. Add:
Reduce until nearly evaporated. Add:
Reduce by half. Strain the mixture. Discard the solids and put the hot liquid into the blender and puree. Slowly add while blender is running:
Reserve in a warm place.
To do the mushrooms, place sauté pan over high heat. Add:
When pan is good and hot, add in a single layer:
Sauté mushrooms until slightly brown and then flip to other side and brown it lightly. Repeat this process with the other half pound of mushrooms. Reserve.
To assemble, preheat oven to 400 degrees. Put a sauté pan on high heat and add a little oil. Season
Place sturgeon in the very hot pan. Brown the presentation side and place filets in preheated oven. To the mushrooms add:
Season. Place the cooked sturgeon on top of the mushroom fricassee. To the reserved sauce add:
Combine gently. Pour the caviar beurre blanc over the fish and garnish with a bit of fresh chervil or watercress.
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