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Eating Well is the Best Revenge!

Bananas Foster is an old traditional dessert, and a wonderful one. With flaming rum and a wonderful aroma, Bananas Foster is a natural for table side chafing dish service. Serve with vanilla ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream. A cold champagne or a bit of dessert wine goes great with Bananas Foster. A drizzle of a rich chocolate sauce like the one below is also very good. You can even wrap them in a crepe. Your guests will be impressed.
To do Bananas Foster for two, first peel and slice two large, ripe bananas lengthwise in half. Saute gently in a couple tablespoons of butter until tender, sprinkle over 2 oz dark rum like Meyers. Flame the rum. Sprinkle over a couple tablespoons chopped pecans and a couple tablespoons brown sugar or maple syrup. Heat till bubbling and serve immediately. Do note that if you have access to a market with a large selection of fruit, many varieties of other, more exotic sweet bananas also are very good done in the Bananas Foster style.
Rich chocolate sauce:
- 7 oz chocolate chips
- 1/4 cup strong coffee
- 1/4 cup sugar
Melt together, whisk in:
- 2 egg yolks
- 3/8 cup milk or light cream
- 1/4 cup flour
Bring to a simmer whisking often. Simmer for a moment, then let cool.
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